What is Respite Care?
Respite centres offer new experiences and something to look forward to. They provide an opportunity for some independence and recreation. These breaks are often called respite or short breaks and we can help you arrange them. ‘Respite’ means ‘rest’ or ‘relief from’. All families, especially those where there are special needs, sometimes require a break from the constant demands placed on them. Often the person with the disability needs a break too!
Who can access short breaks?
The first step is usually to approach the Local Authority to ask for an assessment for the person you care for – and for you as his/her carer.The Local Authority Social Worker doing the assessments will consider the needs of the person you care for – and your needs as their carer, and consider what services they may be able to provide (bearing in mind local priorities and availability of services). Make sure that the person doing the assessment understands what sort of help you need to enable you to have the support you need. They will also do a financial assessment under their charging policy which means that you (or more usually – the person you care for) may be charged for that service according to means.
Personalised Budgets
Local Authorities are now being encouraged to provide individual budgets for people with care needs and for carers. This means that you should be offered choice in the way that services are provided, and may be able to use the funding to organise the service yourself.
Direct Payments
The Local Authority along with the Carers and where appropriate the guest, assess the needs and then, instead of arranging the services directly, gives you (or the person you care for) the money to buy the service directly (see Department of Health website).