Tel: 01698 404051

Our Service Commitment

We are committed to supporting adults with learning difficulties to live the life they choose.

We also want to make sure we deal with any concerns you may have about our support promptly and effectively.

Phew Complaints Procedure

We support adults by:

  • Working in partnership with them and those that know them well to create flexible services that meet their needs, whether they need occasional support, a lot of support or one-to-one support.

  • Where possible, involving them in deciding who supports them

  • Supporting guests to have the experience they want during respite stay, whether it’s a quiet rest or fun packed with lots of activities and involvement

Help us to become a centre of excellence:

Your feedback is very valuable. It helps us to establish what you like/don’t like about us, what we can do to make your stay more enjoyable and how we can improve our service. Your feedback can be anonymous if you wish, and can be received by popping your comments in the suggestion box on the reception desk or by post, email, or telephone, or you can discuss with a member of staff or our manager.

We really don’t mind how you communicate with us. But please let us know how you think we are doing.

What happens if you think we’ve got it wrong:

If you’re not happy about our support and you want to let us know, this is what we’ll do to deal with your concerns:

  • When you write to us, we’ll get back to you within five working days (during which time the complaint will be investigated by the manager)

  • We’ll normally give you a written response within 21 working days, but if we can’t, we’ll let you know when we’ll be able to give you a full response. If the complaint remains unresolved, then it will be passed onto the Chair of our Board of Directors

  • If you are still dissatisfied, you can complain directly to the Quality Assurance Officer with the Local Authority or to the Care Inspectorate

  • If the complaint still remains unresolved, then it may be passed onto the Ombudsman, but this shouldn’t normally occur until the above internal and external procedures have been exhausted.

  • You can find full details of our complaints process on the How to Complain page.

We assure that we will:

  • Respond to concerns in a considered approach as quickly and effectively as we can

  • Take all comments and complaints seriously

  • Tell you what’s happening with your complaint and do everything we can to help

  • Do our best to treat the information you share with us in confidence

  • Explain the decision taken about your complaint

  • Consider all complaints received to continually review and improve our support within our quality assurance system.