Tel: 01698 404051

What Does PHEW Mean To You?

The PHEW Learning Tree

We are always looking to improve our service, welcoming your feedback and ideas. Our Learning Tree is situated in the reception area for guests, families and carers to comment and share their experiences. 

The Learning Tree is an opportunity for guests, families and carers to interact when providing feedback by personalising their cards and adding their comments to the tree.

We also have feedback questionnaires available for guests, families and carers to complete. These feedback forms are crucial in helping us to inform future planning and improve service delivery. These are available in paper form and can be accessed by asking a member of our staff. We would appreciate guests, families and carers taking the time to participate and engage in this process. We are currently working to make the questionnaires accessible online. 

Next time you find yourself in the reception area of PHEW, please feel free to share your views to help us continue to make improvements to the service.