Welcome to Phew Short Breaks Respite Service!
PHEW is a registered charity delivering short breaks residential respite for adults with learning disabilities who may also have a physical disability from across the West and Central Scotland.
PHEW is a 14 bedded unit equipped to promote safe, good quality care. We have 4 rooms which have high profile beds, tracking hoist and 2 shared specialised bathrooms. We have the use of a minibus to go out and about in the community or further afield depending on the choice of excursion.
Each guest who stays at PHEW will have an individual support care plan. Their individualised plan reflects their choices and preferences about how they would like their needs and outcomes to be met during their stay at PHEW, e.g. personal care, dietary requirements, cultural and religious needs and social likes and dislikes.
We have a skilled, experienced and committed care staff team who are supported by our admin assistant, cooks and domestic staff to meet the individual needs of each of our guests.

Mission Statement
To offer quality, accessible, planned and crisis services on a short term basis to adults with learning disabilities, their families and carers.
Our Aim
Our Aim is to provide needs led support to adults with learning disabilities and/or additional complex needs. PHEW recognises and celebrates the uniqueness of every individual by ensuring a person centred approach is adopted.